5 Interior Design Resolutions to Make in the New Year

It’s that time of year when we take stock of what has passed (good riddance 2021!) and what’s to come (no predictions please - we don’t want to jinx anything this time around).

Of course there are the usual resolutions of getting in shape, eating healthier, reading more, etc.etc. which are noble goals, but sometimes, you need to kickstart your environment in order to make changes on the inside. That’s where our interior design resolutions for 2022 come in. Have a look at this list and see if any speak to you. I’m always pushing myself to do all 5 – how many can you accomplish? Let me know in the comments below. You’ve got this!

Resolution #1: I will Incorporate Sustainable Design

Yes, it’s the buzzword of the moment, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important and necessary. You think about what you put into your body and your mind, so why not your house? This applies to all areas of home design: For instance, when you paint, choose a product that is not made with harmful chemicals and has a toxic smell. There are so many choice available on the market now. 

Another area is materials: Buy furniture that is made from recycled products or choose natural materials like bamboo that re-grow quickly and don’t use up a ton of resources themselves in the process. Some fantastic bamboo facts: it helps to prevent soil erosion, it grows at an astonishing rate (some species can grow at a rate of 3 ft in a 24 hour period!), and bamboo can be harvested without the death of the crop, unlike a hardwood.

Even better, don’t buy new. Go to estate sales, check out amazing online shops like 1stdibs.com, upcycle your existing furniture by having it reupholstered and refinished. All of these small adjustments can really add up to big change if we all make this resolution (and stick to it all year!).

Resolution #2: I will Choose Quality over Quantity

This ties in with #1, as part of being sustainable is not going for fast food, fast fashion, or fast design. While it’s tempting to go for every item you see in the homewares aisle of Target because it’s cheap, that doesn’t mean it’s doing the environment any favors because it was probably manufactured under less than ideal circumstances and few if any regulations in place (that’s why it’s so inexpensive!). And chances are that it will also not last very long, so that means that side table that seemed like such a steal at only $19.99 will end up in the landfill because you will throw it out (again see #1 and upcycling). 

While I’m not saying that you need to spend your entire life savings on your home (and of course not everyone has tons of money to spend on furnishings), but what I am saying is to think before you purchase. Do you really need that bargain bench or another table lamp? Pro tip: step away from the item, walk around the store, and if you’re still thinking about it 30 minutes later, then go back and reassess. And if you really do need a new sofa, armchair, bed, etc. then save up for a higher quality one that will stand the test of time. You will be more invested in the piece and it will serve you well.

Resolution #3: I will Take a (Design) Risk

If the last year has taught us anything, it’s that life is precious and time is not guaranteed. Tell the people you love you love them. Don’t assume that they know. Reconnect with that person you had a falling out with years ago; who knows, she might be thinking about doing the same thing. Stop playing it safe with your design choices. Yes, neutrals are timeless, and easy, and go with everything, but have you ever looked at a room on pinterest or in a magazine and thought “how great would it be to have something other than white walls in the bedroom?” or “I wish I had a kitchen that was more than just plain brown cabinets and a gray countertop-one that was actually beautiful?” 

Well, what are you waiting for? There is no time like the present to spice up your home design life. And if an entire kitchen or bathroom renovation seems too daunting or not budget-friendly, try something else like wallpapering one wall in a vibrant pattern or hue, or choosing a paint color that you love and doing your home office because it makes you happy. Be bold! Seize the day!

Resolution #4: I will Clear the Clutter

Clearing your house of clutter is one of the best and least expensive ways to purge the stress in your life. All of us are to varying degrees guilty of letting items pile up, especially after the holidays. The problem is, that over time it becomes harder to separate the truly essential items from the things that are just taking up space. Furthermore, clutter isn’t doing you any interior design favors, as it makes your space look cramped and dated. So take the time and make the effort in 2022 to go through your stuff, room by room. Donate those age-old knick knacks and thingamajigs and start fresh. It is important to fill your home with things that bring up your energy, make you feel good and inspire you. 

Resolution #5: I will Make my Bed Every Day

I’m not being the annoying parent here-really! Consider this quote by Admiral William H. McRaven: ““If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter. If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right. And, if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made — that you made — and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better. If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.” 

And he’s right about this. There are so many things in this world that we don’t have control over, but this is not one of them. And making the bed has a positive rippling effect throughout your day and your home. If you bed is made, then your room looks a million times better. And this is good design made easy.

So there you have it - 5 New Year’s Design Resolutions that will carry you through 2022 and beyond. Stick with them, and I promise you that your home and your outlook will drastically improve for the better. Cheers to an inspiring New Year!

B Squared Design Director Britta Butler's signature

Need a little help following through with those interior design resolutions? Schedule a call with us-we’ll help keep you accountable ;)


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